One of the many lessons of life is that one can be skeptical about what one does not understand. In my line of work as a minister, I have witnessed skepticism between the faith and science communities. However, the good news is many scientists and faith leaders are working together to find common ground in their quest for truth. One example has to do with questions related to the origins of life. In this blog, my goal is to briefly explain three myths related to the origins of life debate and highlight ways in which faith and science communities are working together to find answers to this age-old question.
Myth #1: Acceptance of any scientific claims denies God’s miraculous creation of life.
This myth may cause some in the faith community to shrink back from faith-building scientific research.
Biochemist Fazale Rana argues, “A biblically based, scientifically testable origin-of-life scenario can be developed and used to make a uniquely Christian contribution to the origin-of-life question. Creation can be put to the test; creation can be science.”[1]
Myth #2: Evolution is settled science, and there is no need to explore the claims of the Bible.
This belief may cause some with an affinity towards science to shrink back from exploring the latest scientific discoveries.
Charles Darwin used the term incipient species to describe the process of one species evolving into another species. Some scientists believe that If speciation occurred, it would be easiest to observe in the lifespan of bacteria. In 2001, English bacteriologist Alan Linton looked for evidence of primary speciation and concluded, “Throughout 150 years of the science of bacteriology, there is no evidence that one species of bacteria has changed into another." [2]
Myth #3: The origins of life are undiscoverable; therefore, there is no need to explore faith or science.
Science tells us that living systems need at least three things to continue to exist: a way to process energy, store information, and replicate how these biopolymers (Protein, RNA, DNA) merge is at the heart of how life began. [3] The Bible tells us in Genesis 2:7 about the origin of the most complex living system, the first human beings, by stating, ” Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.”[4]
Just as the merging of biopolymers can be tested, the claim that man was made from the dust of the ground provides us with testable means of exploring Biblical claims.
Myths can make us miserable. We can become skeptical about what we don’t understand. The good news is today, many in the faith community are working with those in the science community in a quest for truth. I believe the answer is yes; if we have an open mind and work together, both faith and science can help us discover the truth about the origins of life. William Dembski says, “The challenge of scientists and Christians, and those who are both, is simply to be honest, neither overselling nor underselling their position and striving to convey the truth as they best understand it without insisting on any predetermined outcomes." [5]

About Pastor Bob Moya, DMin.
Pastor Bob Moya has served as the lead pastor with his wife Candace at City Chapel in Arlington, Texas for over 22+ years. He recently graduated with a doctorate degree in Spiritual Renewal and Leadership in the spring of 2024. When not serving at the church, you'll find Bob enjoying a good read at Barnes & Noble, sipping a nitro cold brew or black coffee from Starbucks, or spending time with his family.
[1]. Fazale Rana, “Origin-of-Life Predictions Face Off: Evolution vs. Biblical Creation,” Reason to Believe Blogs, March 31, 2001, https://reasons.org/blog.
[2]. William A. Dembski, Casey Luskin, and Jospeh M. Holden, The Comprehension Guide to Science and Faith:Exploring the Ultimate Questions about Life and he Cosmos (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishing,2021), 23
[3]. Ibid. 293.
[4]. Genesis 2:7 (English Standard Version).
[5]. William A. Dembski, Casey Luskin, and Jospeh M. Holden, The Comprehension Guide to Science and Faith:Exploring the Ultimate Questions about Life and he Cosmos (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishing,2021), 63.
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